Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Halie Foell Stout

After graduating with my MA in Mass Communications in 2011, we moved to (and currently live in) Houston, TX while my husband Kendall is finishing up Optometry school. We've been married for five years and recently had our first baby. Nora Jean Stout was born on June 14, 2013. I was working as a Graduate Program Coordinator for the University of Houston's Hilton College Graduate Program until Nora was born. Now I stay at home with her and try to keep up with things. Here are two pictures because I like to show off my little firecracker. I have two brother's on missions right now. One finishing in Baltimore, MD and the other is serving in Boston, MA while he is waiting for his VISA to Brazil. We have truly felt the blessings of missionary work and are striving to invite people to church and to meet with the missionaries. Missionary work has become a huge part of our lives and I am so grateful for my Nauvoo experience while I am learning more about the gospel and sharing my testimony about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. Kendall serves as the assistant ward mission leader and I am currently serving with the YW in our ward. It is proving to be harder than any calling I've had before. In Fall 2014 we will be living in Fort Worth, TX and Spring 2015 in Wichita Falls, TX for our optometry externships. After that, who knows where life will take us? I miss Nauvoo so much and we are planning to go back as a family. I can't wait to revisit those days. Wish I could see all of you again soon. I ditto Sadie and Rebecca in saying that if you are ever in the Houston area, please feel free to let me know. (If you go on a cruise and you need a ride from the airport or whatever it might be.) It is always great seeing Nauvoo faces. I saw Rachel Briggs at a Stake RS Meeting and it was nice to see a familiar face. It is so great to hear updates from everyone. I love hearing all the success each of you are having in education, marriage and family life, and everything else. I hope to hear from more of you soon.
 With Love, Halie
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Kayli Decker Nagel

We are currently stationed in rainy Ft. Lewis, Washington. We have loved that we are still in the Pacific Northwest which is still my favorite place in the whole world. Army life has been an adventure. My husband got accepted in the Army Flight School!! We can't even believe this is happening! We will be moving to Enterprise, AL in January and we will be there for two years! I have already figured out it is 12 hours from Nauvoo so if there is going to be a 10 year reunion I will be there! We have two boys, Will just turned 5 and Caden who will be 3 next year. They are the sweetest kids I know. William will start kindergarten next year! I can't believe it! Right now I am looking into going back to school to finish my degree but kind of stuck as to what I want to do. Really looking into getting a degree in child development, since it's what I love!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Sadie Lee Hopkins

Hey "family", After graduating with a BA in Anthropology from BYU in 2010 I moved to Denver, CO, for a job. My husband Reece and I met here and we married in August 2012. Yes, my name is really Sadie Hopkins now (not as bad as it could be, but close enough to not avoid the bad jokes and inane "did you realize?" comments). Reece is an industrial design student at a local university and works nights and weekends cleaning carpet, I work days as an office manager, and we both enjoy what time we get to see each other in between. We have a tiny ward so I have two callings: ward music director and a Relief Society teacher. Our most engrossing update is we're expecting our first baby next year! I'm due March 8 and we will not find out if a boy/girl till delivery. Hats off to all y'all with a whole herd already. Baby-growing is hard business. We'll stay in Denver at least through December 2014 when Reece should graduate and then we'll go whenever and wherever he can get a good job. Life is good for us. If you ever come through the area please feel free to look us up! Emily Z. stopped by one time. We made pie and it was magical. If you want to stalk.. err I mean follow up with me more often, I blog at I occasionally get inquiries from Nauvoo friends about my brother who was diagnosed with leukemia the year after Nauvoo so here's his update for those interested. After Scott's initial 3.5 years of treatment he was clean and healthy for about 2.5 years. Three months into his mission to New England cancer came back and he returned home immediately to resume treatment and had a bone marrow transplant a month after my wedding. Since the only sibling who was a perfect marrow match was the brother with total kidney failure who needs his own transplant, they found a perfect match in a European donor. Scott is doing well and all cancer seems to be gone for good and he's planning on attending BYU-I next spring. (Josh still needs a kidney. Let me know if you're interested in helping fix that!) Thanks for all your well wishes an prayers over the years for my family. Whenever I met Nauvoo friends on campus they always remembered to ask about him and it meant a lot to me to have such caring friends. I hope your families are all well and sound. I wish I could be there for the upcoming reunion in Utah. Don't be strangers. -- Sadie Hopkins

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Genevieve Swift Hansen

> Here is my update: I recently got married to Matthew Hansen. We're out in the Phoenix area. He's in law school, and I'm working on a photography business. ( We have no kiddos right now.